
  The Tridoshas

AYURVEDA is functioning on the basis of tridosa.

The word tridosa clearly denotes that the somatic humors are 3 in number they are 




STANA main(Seats) OF tridosa.

Tridosa’s are pervading all over the body to perform all physiological functions. But in normal state there is separate seats for there location.

 Taking HRDAYA(heart), NAABHI(umbilicus) as important landmarks in body

The region below the NAABHI is the seat of VATA

The region between HRDAYA & NAABHI is the seat of PITTA

The region above the HRDAYA is the seat of KAPHA

They are also placed in 7 DHATUS & MALAS

The Tridoshas (tri meaning three and doshas being the basic physical energies) are the primary and essential factors of the human body that govern our entire physical structure and function. Derived from the Panchmahabhutas, each dosha – which like the elements cannot be detected with our senses but their qualities can be – is a combination of any two of the five bhutas with the predominance of one. Called Vata, Pitta and Kapha in Sanskrit, these three are responsible for all the physiological and psychological processes within the body and mind – dynamic forces that determine growth and decay.

Every physical characteristic, mental capacity and the emotional tendency of a human being can therefore be explained in terms of the tridoshas.

Most of the physical phenomena ascribed to the nervous system by modern physiology for example, can be identified with Vata.


Just as the entire chemical process operating in the human body can be attributed to Pitta, including enzymes, hormones and the complete nutritional system.

 And the activities of the skeletal and the anabolic system, actually the entire physical volume of an organism, can be considered as Kapha.


Vata(Air and Space)-----Pitta(Fire and Water)-----Kapha(Water and Earth)

1)Light -----------------------Light ------------------------ Heavy
2)Cold ------------------------Hot --------------------------Cold
3)Dry -------------------------Oily --------------------------Oily
4)Rough ----------------------Sharp -----------------------Slow
5)Subtle ----------------------Liquid ----------------------Slimy
6)Mobile ---------------------Sour -------------------------Dense
7)Clear -----------------------Pungent --------------------Soft

Each dosha thus shares a quality with another (although there remain slight differences in the nature of shared quality), the third having just the opposite quality. Also, each has an inherent ability to regulate and balance itself, coming from the antagonistic qualities that arise from the doshas constituent elements.

When the doshas are in balance i.e. in a state of equilibrium, we remain healthy. As Charaka, the great ayurvedic sage, explained: "Vata, pitta and kapha maintain the integrity of the living human organism in their normal state and combine so as to make the man a complete being with his indriyas (sense organs) possessed of strength, good complexion and assured of longevity." It is only when that there is imbalance within the three that disease is caused. And since it is the strongest dosha in the constitution that usually has the greatest tendency to increase, one is most susceptible to illnesses associated with an increase of the same.

It is important to realise that these three are forces and not substances.

Kapha is not mucus; it is the force that causes mucus to arise.

 Similarly pitta is not bile; but that which causes bile to be produced. And they are called doshas – literally meaning `faults’ or `out of whack’- as they indicate the fault lines along which the system can become imbalanced.

It is equally important to understand that the three doshas within any person keep changing constantly, due to the doshic qualities of specific lifestyle and environment, such as time and season.

 And that these three are not separate energies but different aspects of the same energy, present together in an infinite variety of combinations, wherein their qualities overlap and interrelate.
Ayurveda however considers only three types of constitution – in monotypes just one dosha predominates, in duo types two have near similar strength, and in the very rarely found third type all three are equally powerful. Within this broad classification, there are in the first category various sub-types that are listed below for easier reference.

The science of understanding our nature or our constitution is the science of Tridosha. Tridosha defines the three fundamental energies or principles which govern the function of our bodies on the physical and emotional level. The three energies are known a Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each individual has a unique balance of all three of these energies.

Some people will be predominant in one while others are a mixture of two or more. Lets look at each of these now.


Vata is formed by the biological combination of VAAYU(air) & AKASHA(space). It is equated with wind in the external world.

VATA have the qualities like dry, cold, light in weight, irregular, mobile, quick, rough, unstable, subtle.

 VATA is generally predominant in the areas below the NAABHI. The primary site of VATA is the colon. The sub sites are thighs, hips, bones, ears & skin. The main functions of VATA is GATI & GHANDANA(both voluntary & involuntary movements in body including sensory perception & secretory functions ).

 VATA governs the central nervous system & controls KAPHA & PITTAThe Vata dosha is said to be made up of the air and ether elements. This means that it has qualities which are similar to these elements.

 Vata is very much like the wind - it is light, cool, dry and mobile. In the body, those people with a Vata nature experience more of these qualities. Their bodies tend to be light, their bones thin, and their skin and hair dry. They often move and speak quickly. When out of balance, they may lose weight, become constipated and have weakness in their immune and nervous systems These qualities also reflect in their personality. Those with a Vata nature tend to be talkative, enthusiastic, creative, flexible and energetic. Yet, when out of balance they may also become easily confused and overwhelmed, have difficulty focusing and making decisions and have trouble sleeping. This becomes more apparent when they are under stress. Emotionally they are challenged by cool emotions like worry, fear and anxiety.

 In order to bring balance to Vata, programs are designed which emphasize the opposing qualities of warmth, heaviness (nourishment), moistness and stability. In the diet, this is reflected in the consumption of cooked grains such as rice and cooked vegetables as well as the intake of warm milk with spices. Pungent herbs like ginger which increase internal heat and nourishing herbs like ashwagandha bring balance to Vata. Ayurvedic programs include not only herbs and diet but also color and aroma therapies, detoxification, yoga and meditation.

Among the tridosa,vata is most important. It co-ordinates both pitta and kapha. Imbalance in vata are therefore more serious in nature.


1)PRANA VATA(life force): Brings the energy necessary for all the vital function. It governs all higher centers of brain likeSmell, touch, sight, hearing, tasteswallowinginspirationintelligence & consciousnessPRANA located in the MASTHISKA(brain) moves downwards to the heart & lungs

2)UDAANA VATA(upward vata): it is responsible for all upward movements. It is situated in the region of MAHAPRACHEERA((diaphragm). It deals with
b.expiration of breath,speech
c.memory,mental &neuromuscular activity
d.movement of soul out of body at the time of death.


3 SAMANA VATA(stomach current) :siyuated in the abdominal region of small intestine. Helps in the
a.secretions in the stomach,digestive movements, gastrointestinal motility.

4 APANA VATA (downward current):situated in the large intestine and moves downwards. Controls
b.expulsion of sexual fluids,expultion of the foetus
c.functions of lower pelvic cavity and legs

5 VYANA VATA(circulating vata): located in the heart and does
a) Circulation of blood and lymph
b) Circular motion of the joints
c) Circulation of prana
d) With prana create the functions of heart


The theories of digestion & metabolism in AYURVEDA are based on the concept of PITTA.

 Due to the action of PITTA the food enters into the body(ANNAVAHA SROTAS) loses its chemical & physical characteristics & transform to be incorporated in the structure of DHATUS. PITTA is composed of AGNI(fire) with little JALA. Within the digestive system the primary site of PITTA is small intestine
The term PITTA is derived from the Sanskrit root TAPA. It has 3 meaning

a) TAP DAHE means to burn the injested food
b) TAP SANTAPE means to generate heat
c) TAP AISWARYE means to enable to achieve the eightfold nature of ANIMAADI SIDDIS

PITTA is like the sun. It is responsible for the balanced kinetic & potential energy.

It have the smell of raw meat(VISRATA) & fluid consistency(DRAVA). The other qualities of PITTA are SNIGDHA(unctuous), USNA(hot), TIKSHNA(penetrating), SARA(mobile), LAGHU(light), VISADA(clear).

Digestion, thermal tone & body heat, thirst & hungry, bravery, vision, intellect, avarice or possessive instincts, smooth texture of the skin etc depends on PITTA.

PITTA may be in 2 state

1) NEELA (Bluish) in colour & AMLA (acid) in taste, raw state

 2) PEETA VARNA (Yellow) in colour & KATU ( pungent) in taste, ripe state.

 The subsites of PITTA are stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, sweat glands, sebaceous gland, blood, eyes, skin.

The Pitta dosha is said to be made up of the fire and water elements. Fire is more predominant and those people with a predominant Pitta nature have many of the qualities of fire within them. Pitta tends to hot, sharp and penetrating. It is also somewhat volatile and oily. The oily nature of Pitta is related to the secondary component of water.

 People with a Pitta nature reflect these qualities. They tend to feel warm, have somewhat oily skin, penetrating eyes and sharp features. They tend to have moderate weights and good musculature. When out of balance they tend toward diarrhea, infections, skin rashes and weakness in the liver, spleen and blood.These qualities also reflect in their personalities. Pitta people tend to be highly focused, competitive, capable, courageous, energetic and clear communicators who get right to the point. They like to solve problems and when under stress they dig in their heels. They can however also become overly intense and speak with a sharp tongue. They make great friends but feared enemies. Emotionally they are challenged by the heated emotions of anger, resentment and jealousy.


 In order to bring balance to Pitta, programs are designed to emphasize the opposing qualities of coolness, heaviness (nourishing) and dryness. Cool spices like fennel are recommended in the diet along with foods such as raw vegetables, cooked rice and wheat as well as most beans. Sweet herbs like shatavari are used to nourish the body while bitters like dandelion root temper the fire. A Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist puts together programs that not only include foods and herbs but also aromas, colors, massage, detoxification, yoga and meditation.

 The 5 subdivisions of PITTA are

1. SADHAKA PITTA(mental pitta)
a. Located in heart & brain
b. Responsible for memory, intelligence, mental discrimination etc
c. Determination of truth or reality

2. AALOCHAKA PITTA(visual pitta): located in eye
a. Responsible for receiving light from outside
b. Performing visual activities
c. Power to process the light

3. PAACHAKA PITTA(digestive fire): located in stomach & small intestine
a. Regulates digestion
b. Gives energy to other subtle PITTA DOSHA

4. RANJAKA PITTA(detoxifying pitta): located primarily in liver & spleen, travels in blood & bile
a. It is responsible for colour & pigmentation

5. BHRAJAKA PITTA(skin pitta): located under the whole skin
a. Maintain skin colour & complexion
b. Body odour, oil absorption, flushing, paleness etc



Within the Kapha dosha there is a predominance of the water and earth elements. Like these elements Kapha tends to be cool, moist, stable and heavy.

 In the body these qualities manifest as dense, heavy bones, lustrous, supple skin, low metabolism, and large, stocky frames. In addition, those with a Kapha nature tend to feel cool.

When out of balance, Kapha individuals are prone to gaining weight and tend to have weaknesses in their lungs and sinuses where there is an accumulation of mucous.

Those of Kapha nature are also most prone to non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.The elements of water and earth also reflect in the personality. The heavy, stable nature of Kapha reflects in a stable personality which is not prone to quick fluctuations.

Those with a Kapha nature handle stress very well, often not even noticing that it exists. They don't like change, are generally conservative and would prefer to keep things just the way they are. Those with a Kapha nature are also comfort seekers. This relates to the soft watery nature of Kapha. Too much comfort however can lead to a lack of motivation and feeling of becoming stuck. When Kapha is out of balance, the heavy emotions of depression and lethargy result.

 In order to bring balance to a Kapha nature the opposing qualities of lightness, dryness and warmth are recommended. These qualities are integrated in dietary and herbal programs as well as aroma and color therapies, detoxification, yoga and meditation. Grains such as quinoa and amaranth are recommended as well as hot spices like cayenne pepper.

Lots of vegetables and very little nuts or dairy are prescribed. Cleansing herbs like guggul and pungents like clove bring balance to Kapha.

 We must remember that we are all a combination of the three doshic energies. On the most fundamental level, Pitta is our metabolism, Kapha our structure and Vata the mobility that brings action and life into creation.

the 5 sub divisions of kapha are  

1 Kledaka kapha:  Digestion, mucous, the root of all other Kapha's
2 Avalambaka kapha :Back, Heart, Lungs
3 Bodhaka kapha:Taste, Smell
4 Tarpaka kapha:  Senses, Cough, Nasal Congestion, Cerebral spinal fluid, headache
5 Shleshaka kapha:  Joint pain, congestioncould not exist.
 To determine a person’s constitution, a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist conducts a two hour consultation taking a look at every aspect of a person. This physical, emotional, and spiritual evaluation identifies the balance of energies in a person's body as well as areas of imbalance.

Once the nature of the person and the imbalance are identified, the Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist can then put together a treatment program utilizing the appropriate diet and herbs, aromas, colors, yoga and meditation aimed at restoring or maintaining balance.

Optimal Health is achieved through Ayurvedic Medicine when we are living in complete harmony with our environment. In order to live in harmony we must first understand our own natures.

 The internal environment is governed by Vata -Pitta -Kapha (V-P-K), which is constantly reacting to the external environment.


 The wrong diet, habits, lifestyle, incompatible food combinations (e.g. milk and fish, melons and grain, yogurt and meat or cooked honey etc.), seasonal changes, repressed emotions and stress factors can all act either together or separately to change the balance of V-P-K.

According to the nature of the cause, Vata, Pitta or Kapha undergo aggravation or derangement that produce Ama (toxins). To stop the further production of Ama, Ayurvedic literature suggests placing the patient on a proper diet together with an appropriate lifestyle, habits and exercise, and administering a proper cleansing program such as Panchakarma.

    The three Dosha (humors) determine every individual’s psychosomatic temperament or constitution.

vata constitution/people with vata nature
  1. A Vata's frame is usually tall or short, and always thin and low in weight with prominent bones and joints.
  2. They have thin skin which is rough and dry with a tendency to tan or be dark, with prominent veins and cold to the touch.
  3.  They will have curly, kinky, coarse, dry hair that's dark brown or blackish.
  4. Their teeth will usually be large, crooked and protrude
  5.  Both their head and eyes will be small, quick and unsteady.
  6.  The eyes will also be dark brown or black, dry, thin and dull.
  7. Vatas have variable and scanty appetites.
  8. They will be thin as children and have troubles gaining weight.
  9.  They like sweet, salty and sour foods like cake, crackers, and pickles.
  10. Their thirst varies and they will nurse hot drinks to keep them warm.
  11. Their bowels are usually hard and dry, or constipated. They are hyperactive and can exhaust easily with restless minds that fantasize.
  12.  They are extremely creative, artistic, and often musical, with extreme moods of joyfulness and fear, accomplishment and insecurity, and often anxious.
  13. They are erratic and always unpredictable.
  14. Their faith is changed easily.
  15. Their memory is good if they study the night before the test. But a week later they will have forgotten everything.
  16.  If they remember dreams at all, they usually are running, jumping and flying, or a nightmare full of fear.
  17.  They are light sleepers with scanty, interrupted sleep patterns.
  18.  They usually speak in a high pitched voice faster than they think.
  19. They think and fantasize about sex often, but perform poorly having already expended their energy mentally.
  20. They generally spend money impulsively and so stay relatively poor.
  21. Their pulse is thin and feeble, and threads like a snake.

                   PITTA NATURE

  1. Pitta stands with medium build, height, and bone structure, with soft, oily skin, that's warm to the touch.
  2.  They have fair complexions, burning easily.
  3. The have a reddish or yellowish hue.
  4. Their hair is soft and oily and will bald and gray early. Until then it will generally be reddish or yellow-blonde.
  5. They have moderate size, yellowish teeth with soft gums that bleed easily.
  6.  Their eyes are green or hazel, with a sharp, penetrating, lustrous look, set below a large forehead.
  7. They have strong appetites and need large meals to be satisfied, but will not snack.
  8.  They like sweet, bitter and astringent foods, like candy, green salads and bananas. This is washed down all day long with cold drinks.
  9.  They have frequent bowel movements with soft, oily, loose, discharges.
  10. They must evacuate immediately when they feel the urge.
  11. They are moderately active, but with intensely competitive spirits.
  12.  They can be overly aggressive and assertive, highly intelligent and organized, with nearly photographic memories.
  13. They become teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, - and angry when not fed on time!
  14.  They are easily irritated and can be dangerous when jealous, which happens often. They are fanatical about their faith
  15. They sleep short and deep, with fiery dreams of war and violence, or long conversations with exchanges of money. It's always an epic.
  16. They are good orators, but can be sharp and cutting with their speech.
  17. They know how to save, but usually for the purchase of luxuries, that make a statement about their position in life and enhance their ego.
  18. When not too busy trying to organize the world, they can be roused to passion and perform competetion
  19. Their pulse is moderate, and jumps like a frog

  1. Kaphas are large, thick, big boned and strong.
  2. They stand not too tall, but often as the foundation of society. They have a tendency to be overweight and can become heavy by just looking at food!
  3. Their skin is thick, smooth, oily, and cool, with a tendency to be pale.
  4. Their hair is thick, wavy, oily, dark black or light blonde with strong even white teeth. They seldom get a cavity.
  5.  Their eyes are large and well formed with ample whites showing and deep blue irises, decorated with thick, long lashes. These are called the lotus eyes in India because they look like lotus petals and because they adorn the lotus face of the supreme Lord Krishna.
  6. Kaphas have small appetites and eat slowly - many small meals a day - the big snackers of society.They like pungent, bitter, and astringent foods like spicy dishes, green salads, and pomegranates. But they especially like dry, crispy things. They rarely drink, and have one full and heavy bowel movement daily.
  7. They are not very active and must study repeatedly to understand, but will never forget once they learn. Therefore they often prefer repetitious jobs where little innovation is necessary.
  8. They make good bankers, insurance agents, or factory workers. Kapha people in general are slow, steady and reliable.
  9. They are good with money which they know how to conserve to an extreme.
  10. They can become overly greedy and attached. But they are extremely compassionate, forgiving, loving, and patient, becoming nurses, social workers, and the clergy of different religions.
  11. They have a deep, steady faith and highly developed spiritual feelings.
  12. They sleep deep and long, dreaming of romantic settings by lakes and rivers, or swimming.
  13.  They speak slowly in a monotonous voice, and are not sexually aroused easily, but perform most admirably once inclined.
  14.  Their pulse is broad and slow like the swan